I really don't know what to expect in Russia. Maybe it will actually be like this. Maybe there really will be bears everywhere. Either way it's bound to be much harder to travel in than Korea.
While I'm writing this mostly insignificant blog, Adam is helpfully researching the ins and outs of Russian tourist registration, something everyone is subject to when staying anywhere more than two or three days. Not registering and getting caught by the police, say, in a random document check on the street could be bad. Fines, almost certainly. Bribes and jail? Maybe a little extreme, but who knows?
We didn't even have to give our names at the motel we stayed in last night. We didn't even get a receipt. According to the guidebook, one must keep all train tickets and hotel registrations on them at all times in the event police stop us to inspect our papers and visa information.
Russia certainly won't be as cheap as Korea. Any simple search through travel forums will bring up multiple claims of it being the country with the worst value for your money. Sounds great for a couple of guys trying to make their money stretch as far as possible.
Language won't be fun either. Beyond the fact that neither of us can speak Russian (we can sorta read though), you don't come across a lot of stories of helpful Russian officials or ticket agents when doing some basic research before heading there. I'm sure it will be a far cry from the over-friendly train master we talked with last night.
We'll certainly be traveling through interesting places totally new to both of us, something I haven't experienced since I went to the Philippines, and something I'm really looking forward to. I expect unforgettable train rides and an appreciation of how vast the country is. I just hope to make some Russian friends who can give me something more positive to think about rather than what I just wrote further up, and who hopefully won't get too offended about my ignorance and throw me to the bears.
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