Thursday, May 24, 2018

Good morning VWX






Ethan Martin


Sunday, March 4, 2018

Monday, April 2, 2012


Welcome to my travel blog. It's all old news now that I've stopped traveling, but feel free to look around anyway. Note the page tab up top titled "The Actual Route" for a map of everywhere I went.

Also! Here is link to my currently active blog as a Peace Corps volunteer in Namibia.

On the right you'll find all sorts of handy links. There are links to photo albums from most of the countries I visited over my year of flightless travel, there are links to the twelve articles I published in the Exeter News-Letter over the course of a year, and there is a blog archive categorized by month and year.

If you're interested in specific countries or regions, a rough guide for sifting through the archive is as follows:

East Asia (South Korea, Russia, Mongolia, China): September - December 2010
Southeast Asia (Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand): December 2010 - February 2011
Central Asia (western China, Kazakhstan): February - April 2011
Near East (Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey): April - May 2011
Europe (too many to list, plus Morocco): May - August 2011

Alternately, use the search bar at the top of this blog to look for blog posts containing any keywords you're interested in. Thanks for visiting!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

We've come to this, my final article in the Exeter News-Letter. Click here or look for the link on the right sidebar. It was a good year of travel, and a good year of articles.

Also worth noting is the 'Go and Do' sidebox on the page. It will let you know the details of a presentation I will be giving at the Portsmouth Library in April regarding my trip and travels.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Coming to This

My penultimate column was published almost two weeks ago. I'm only posting this so late because I spent the last two weeks in a windowless room devoid of any time cues or outside contact. I was not in jail. I was participating in a sleep study because I'm poor because I spent all my money on the trip that this blog has documented.

As always, the link can be found on the right hand side, or by clicking here (or above). Enjoy it or suffer it while it lasts, either way, there's only one more coming.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Coming To This

Column number ten out of twelve has been published in the Exeter News-Letter. It chronicles my brief visit to Azerbaijan, and especially the walk I had around an old tank graveyard with, among others, the incomparable Jamie Maslin.

A new link has been added to the right-hand sidebar for your future browsing convenience!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Coming to This

My ninth travel column has been published in the News-Letter. Don't be afraid. Go ahead and click here.

As usual, I have added a link to the right-hand sidebar as well.

I suppose this might be as good a time as any to state the obvious and announce that I probably won't be posting much more on this blog as my trip is now well over. I might throw the occasional thing up, and I'll continue to post when I have new columns published - probably just three more to round it out to an even twelve over a year.

In the meantime I'm working on the finer aspects of being unemployed, pursuing international work opportunities, thinking about peddling my travel presentation to likely venues throughout the area, and writing a worthless novel as part of NaNoWriMo.

Thanks for reading!